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C. McGregor Becomes Unit Executive Officer

5 Aug 2024

CAPT N. Roach

We are pleased to announce that Callum McGregor has been promoted to Commander (CDR) and will serve as the new Executive Officer (XO) of CSG 12.


CDR McGregor enlisted in CSG 12 on 14 November 2021 and quickly ascended through the ranks, demonstrating exceptional leadership and dedication. His service has been marked by numerous commendations and significant contributions to our unit.


His journey from Private First Class to Commander reflects his unwavering commitment and strategic prowess. McGregor has played a vital role in major operations, including the challenging Operation Able Sentry in Afghanistan, where his leadership was pivotal.


In his new role as XO, CDR McGregor will continue to shape our unit’s future, fostering growth and maintaining the high standards of professionalism and camaraderie we are known for.


Take a look at what our new Executive Officer had to say when asked about his promotion and what got him to where he is today:


"CDR McGregor, could you walk us through your journey in CSG 12?"

Certainly. I enlisted on 14 November 2021 and was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines. I quickly moved up the ranks, becoming a Private First Class by December and a Lance Corporal shortly after. By January 2022, I was promoted to Sergeant. This promotion was particularly challenging, as my board lasted nearly three hours. It was a humbling experience, revealing how much I still needed to learn. But it also motivated me to push harder and give my all to succeed.


"Who have been some key influences in your career?"

J. Rubicon, who joined with me, was in the same fireteam and has been a constant support. My first Fire Team Leader, D. North, provided essential early guidance. SgtMaj D. Nash was instrumental in teaching me about squad leading. As for CAPT Roach, despite our differing personalities, his direction and leadership were crucial in my professional development. His approach may be strict, but it provided the structure and standards that shaped my career.


"What advice would you give to others aspiring to rise through the ranks?"

You're going to win and you're going to lose. The end result is what counts. The process to get there isn’t a nicely paved path nine times out of ten. If you persevere a touch, you'll find whatever goal you have is probably achievable.


"What events have had the most significant impact on you?"

The event that shaped me the most was definitely my Sergeant’s promotion board. It was a rigorous three-hour session where I faced numerous questions I couldn't answer. It made me realise the amount of work I had ahead if I wanted to succeed. Ultimately, I got the job and it was a turning point that pushed me to fully commit to my role.


"How do you view your role now within CSG 12?"

As the Executive Officer, my goal is to support Captain Roach and ensure the smooth operation of CSG 12. It's about maintaining the balance between rigorous, immersive military simulations and the close-knit community that makes our unit special. I strive to continue developing our members, fostering leadership, and upholding the high standards we’ve set.


Join us in congratulating CDR McGregor on this well-deserved promotion and in supporting him as he takes on this critical leadership position.

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